Postcards from the future
Explore the postcards by clicking on the sections of the map
In this moment of seemingly compounding global crises and existential concerns about the planet's future, it seems that there is no point of return. However, as Norwegian philosopher ArneNæss highlighted, this might not be true. Delving into new ways of imagining the transitioning toward a climate-resilient future cohabitation between humans and non-human species and the redefinition of borders, distances, among and between contrasting and disparate proximities—of individuals, groups, society, species, and practices in space—will define alternatives, sometimes utopian strategies and vision to address the pressing issue of climate change. To investigate those modalities and especially reopen the debate on the role of architecture, urbanism, and landscape design, the exhibition gives voice to designers and thinkers of the future. It asks them what is the possible alternative future in which we will live and how: What’s next? In this online and physical exhibition, as Paola Vigano affirms, we value the role of imagination, visions, and utopians, not as a way to make fantasies but as a critical way to investigate realities.
What’s Next? Exhibits different ideas about designing the transition of our territories, cities, and everyday spaces worldwide. The different projects, each with a unique and innovative approach, are categorized and located according to climatic zone and might be seen online and physically in Vienna, both in postcard form sent from the future. Each postcard highlights a constant dialogue between our current living conditions and future possibilities that we can create. Get ready to be inspired by the future we can shape together.